Gladiators : Riveting Reads for Curious Kids

Автор: DK
Рейтингът се формира от продажбите в системата на Хеликон

Коментари: 0

Издател Dorling Kindersley
Брой страници 96
Година на издаване 2020
Корици меки
Език английски
Тегло 94 грама
Размери 13x20
ISBN 9780241437544
Баркод 9780241437544
Категории Детска и тийн литература на чужди езици, Литература за деца и юноши, Книги

Read all about the bloodthirsty battles of ancient Rome!Discover the deadliest fighters of the Roman Empire in this fascinating guide to the gladiators of Rome's Colosseum. Learn about the female gladiators that battled each other for the crowd, and the weapons and armour that were allowed inside the arena. The black-and-white chapter book Gladiators also reveals the everyday lives of the citizens of Rome, as well as the disciplined legionaries of the Roman army.

Gladiators is part of the Mega Bites series, which uncovers the secrets of history, science, and the natural world. Investigate the most complicated thing in the universe - your Brain; then journey to the most mysterious as we dive into a Black Hole; and closer to home, marvel at the genius of the world's smartest Codebreakers! Whichever title you pick, you'll get the expert knowledge and fun facts you need on each topic, with every book packed with illustrations, fun stories, and anecdotes.

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