Heaven Looked Upwards

Рейтингът се формира от продажбите в системата на Хеликон

Коментари: 0

Издател Pan Books
Брой страници 328
Година на издаване 1996
Корици меки
Език английски
ISBN 0-330-34719-5
Баркод 0-330-34719-5
Категории Езотерична литература на чужди езици, Езотерика. Духовни учения, Книги

The birth of Jesus of Nazareth is history` s most celebrated event, but all its heavenly significance it is a very earthly story. This enthralling novel re-tells that story, bringing to life the everyday existence of the ordinary townspeople who became unsuspecting participants, but it also interweaves the murderous and bloodlettings that convulsed the luxurious court of Herod during those troubled times.
The story begins with the betrothal of beautiful darkhaired Miriam, daugther of Joachim, to a sturdy but compassionate stonemason Yosef, from another town. He promptly sets about building the house they will shape when married, but before that happy event Miriam is dumbfounded to find herself mysteriously pregnant. Yet, despite his dismay and subsequent agonising, Yosef realises he still wants to marry her. He must then take his newly wedded wife to his home town of Bethlehem, to comply with the census decree of the Roman emperor. It is there that Miriam` s son is born.
But meanwhile the arrival in Jersualem of Chaldean astrologers has aroused the unwelcome interest of the tetrarch Herod…

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